This issue occurs when the texture files for the aircraft/scenery are corrupt or have been overwritten by add-on mods.
This can happen with 3 different scenarios:
- You are installing the Sim for the first time, or you are doing a reinstall
→ There are issues with file download or decompressing that causes the file(s) to get corrupt - You are updating the Sim
→ There are issues with file download or decompressing that causes the file(s) to get corrupt - You have installed 3rd party add-on(s) that is/are causing a conflict with the core sim files
Example of the issue:
- Remove all 3rd party add-ons from your Community and Official folders.
How to restore the sim to its vanilla state to get back in game
→ If the issue persists - Locate your Sim “Packages” folder and delete all fs-base* files and folders inside the “Packages” folder and restart the Sim. This will force the Sim to download all the files and replace any corrupted files.
For the Windows Store install:
For the Steam install:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator
Important: Windows 10/11 by default hides the “AppData” folder,
so you will have to go to “View”
> in the menu of File Explorer, and select “Hidden items” to see it.
For Custom install:
If you happened to use a custom location for your Flight Simulator installation,
then proceed there.
- If the issue still persists
→ Do a clean install of the Sim
How to repair or uninstall Microsoft Flight Simulator via the Xbox app
How to uninstall Microsoft Flight Simulator on Steam
How to install Microsoft Flight Simulator on Steam
Alternatively, you can try doing these steps to narrow down which file in particular is causing the problem, then delete just that file:
- Go to Options -> General Options -> Developers
- Turn Developer Mode "ON"
- Go to Developer Toolbar
- Go to "Debug" tab
- Select "Console"
Once you have the console open, you’ll want to look for a line with a red “X” or a Yellow Icon, this indicates the sim has an error loading some kind of texture or script. It will normally say something like “Failed to locate file vfs://fs-base/Textures/xxxxxx” Where the x’s are the failed texture.
This normally means the file is corrupt and the sim cannot load it correctly.
From here, you want to find that file in your "Packages" folder. If you don’t know where to find it, on the Devmode tool bar:
- select “Tools”
- select “Virtual File System”
- select “Packages Folders”
- select “Open Official Folder” and find your way to the folder you saw on the debug console
You can now close the Sim and delete this folder/file(s). Then restart the Sim, and it will download the deleted packages and this should resolve the issue.
Yes, finally, someone who knows what they are talking about. This helped alot though I still think this release of FS is the worst release of a package I've (30 yrs) ever seen and there should be a Class Action suit filled against the developers!
I just got the new MSFS Deluxe for my Xbox Series X and for some reason my Boeing 878 is still showing up pink. Any help on this?!
I tried this but the folders identified in the Devmode list were not in the directory when I opened the official folder.
Yes, me again. Sorry to say that as my comment above defines a fix of sorts, the pink pixelatiin just moved to other areas. My recommendations for the developers still stands. To make matters worse, they put the burden on the user to fix matters. Instead of fixing their disastrous code, they put the burden on the user to tear their system apart to implement their guessing at a fix. No skin off their nose if it doesn't work and your now trying to recover from their compounded mess they mosey to the bank with our money, spent on a broken product.