Microsoft Flight Simulator FAQ

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Career mode FAQ


In this article, we will answer the most common questions we have received about the career mode. 


Q: I have sold my first aircraft, and now I don't have enough credits to buy a new aircraft

A: Unfortunately we do not have access to be able to edit your career save file in any way. This file is something that can only be accessed within your accounts cloud save file. 


A bad investment can happen, but don't worry; your career is not over yet. With the money you have left, you can access new certifications and unlock new areas and activities, and there are plenty of jobs to pick up and bail out from that unfortunate position. Having a good reputation will boost your income.


Instead, if you'd rather start over, you can always reset your career. 

  • Launch Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.
  • In the main menu, select your gamertag.
  • Press "Reset Career."


Q: How does the Passive Income Mode work so I can earn more income?

A: When "Crew" trigger is set to ON, you need to launch missions with other airplanes or in Employee mode if you only have one freelance aircraft to trigger "passive income."

Passive income calculation is based on how much time you spent in one or more career missions without using aircraft with "Crew On."

NOTE: This will not work if you are on the menus, free-flying, doing world photographer, or with the game turned off


Q: I bought the repaint but cannot select new colors/livery for my plane

A: At the moment, repainting is refreshing your current paint job if it has a lot of wear and tear. In the future, this feature will allow you to change the paint/livery completely. 


Q: When playing in Employee mode, I get only a fraction of the credits from the mission

A: When you are completing a mission in Employee mode, the employer will take a commission of almost 95% of the total amount of the credits that are rewarded for completing the specific mission. 


Q: Are all planes that are currently part of all the Editions ownable and usable in Career Mode

A: Currently, only the default planes included in the standard edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 are available in the career mode. 

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